A sustainable built environment reduces or eliminates negative impacts and creates positive impacts for the natural environment, economies, human health and equity.
Through their entire lifecycle — design, construction, operation and end of life — sustainable or 'green' buildings and infrastructure can address three key impact areas of the built environment: climate action, health & wellbeing, and resources & circularity.
Source: https://worldgbc.org/what-is-a-sustainable-built-environment/The World Green Building Council (WGBC) defines sustainable building certifications - also known as green building rating tools - as a tool to assess and recognise buildings which meet certain sustainability requirements or standards.
Building certifications recognise and reward companies and organisations who build and operate greener buildings, thereby encouraging and incentivising them to push the boundaries on sustainability.
They kick-start the market by setting standards that in turn elevate the ambition of government building codes and regulation, workforce training, and corporate strategies.
Green building certification is applied to the entire life cycle of the building from the planning and design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and eventual demolition phases of a building. Specific tools or subsets of tools used for different building types such as homes, commercial buildings, or even whole neighbourhoods.
Source: https://worldgbc.org/sustainable-building-certifications/GreenRE were formed by Malaysia's Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (REHDA) in 2013 to promote sustainability in the Malaysia property sector. We do this in 3 main ways, green building certification & rating, green building training & awareness programs, research & development.
As a rating system, we are aligned to WGBC's Quality Assurance Guide for Green Building Rating Tools in terms of green building rating tool development, implementation and operations.
GreenRE buildings have a higher value, perform better, and cost less to operate than non-GreenRE buildings. GreenRE certification is fully recognised by all relevant ministries and local authorities and GreenRE Certified building owners are eligible for tax incentives by IRDA and investment tax allowances (ITA) under MIDA.
GreenRE-certified buildings focus on occupant well-being, offering a healthier indoor space.
GreenRE buildings use less energy and water, fewer resources, creates less waste and utilises recycled materials.
(Daylighting, Noise, Air, Thermal)
(Embodied & Operational Carbon)
GreenRE conducts courses that help to increase awareness of the importance and benefits of high-performance green building. Our courses also aim to share our knowledge and information about the best practices in the industry.
GreenRE Managers Course
Technical Seminars
Short Courses
GreenRE is funding and collaborating with a number of research institutes and universities in the areas of green buildings and sustainable development.
Green buildings are a catalyst and opportunity to save energy, water, and reduce carbon emissions, in addition to educate, create jobs, strengthen communities, improve health and well-being. These are the 8 SDGs that are linked to green buildings, for more information visit: www.worldgbc.org
Green Buildings can improve occupants' health & well being
Green Buildings can use renewable energy
Green building industry creates jobs and boosts the economy
Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation
Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Green Buildings produce lesser emissions, helping to combat climate change
Green buildings /cities can improve biodiversity, save water resources