You can build a sustainable home, or you can make modifications to your home to make it green. For new homeowners, GreenRE recommends that you seek a development certified to our green standards. Alternatively, a “green makeover” can be a gradual process.
Going green should not be heavy on your pocket or cumbersome to you and your family! Mindful usage of resources is the 1st step towards a sustainable lifestyle. This simple guide will give you practical tips to start you on your green home transformation journey.
You can use this self-assessment checklist to identify both components and operational best practices to lower the environmental impact of your home. Though primarily aimed at homeowners of landed homes, this checklist can also be used by high rise home dwellers.
This checklist is divided into the 6 sections namely-energy, water, waste, transportation, indoor air quality and greenery provision. A point system is provided for you to self-assess and benchmark your home. The total points available are 100. Download the checklist HERE.
A green home uses less energy, water & other natural resources and produces less waste. It is a healthier living environment for your mind and body.
Green homes are up to 40% more energy efficient than conventional homes. As electricity in Malaysia is primarily produced by fossil fuels such as coal and gas, improving energy efficiency has the benefit of reducing environmental pollution.
Green homes also have higher water usage efficiency and use environmentally friendly home products and building material. All these contributes to lowering your carbon footprint.
With more sustainable home products , increased natural ventilation and greenery, green homes can have a positive impact on your overall health. Green homes can reduce symptoms of respiratory disease, alleviate depression, stress & infectious diseases etc.
Smart usage of electricity & water in your home leads to reduced monthly bills! Green homes use higher quality and standards for construction and building materials, hence, a longer product life span.