Ken holds a MSc (Aerospace Engineering) degree from Univeristy of Kansas (USA), and has more than 20 years of experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Since joining Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd (BSD) in 2010, his track record has included more than 300 residential, commercial, industrial, healthcare, and institutional projects, covering various types of CFD applications (such as natural ventilation, ACMV, pollutant dispersion, wind driven rain, smoke ventilation, rainwater run-off etc).
He was a co-leader in the tri-partite (National University of Singapore, A-Star, BSD- Eindhoven University of Technology) 1.5-year research project funded by Building Construction Authority of Singapore (or BCA), titled “Development of Computation Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Simulation Methodology and Evaluation Parameters, Thermal Comfort Model & Simulation Methodology for Wind Driven Rain in Natural Ventilated Buildings for Non-Residential Buildings (NRB) BCA Green Mark Criteria”, for GM NRB 2015, as well as a leader in the 1 year research project funded by BCA in developing CFD simulation methodology for GM RB 2016.
He also lectures on the topic of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations at BCA Green Mark Accredited Professional course (in Singapore) and at GreenRE Accredited Professional course (in Malaysia). He is also an external CFD assessor for the BCA Green Mark & GreenRE criteria, and a member of BCA NV Task Force.