Page 157 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 157

FOUR FACETS                                  1  Targeting the right sectors                     already on par with coal, and carbon pricing will only further

                                                                                                                     reinforce their competitiveness. In tandem with existing RE
                                                                 CPIs issue incentives to decarbonise across economic   and EE incentive programmes, carbon pricing can issue
                       OF CARBON PRICING                         activities within its scope; for this reason, comprehensive   a strong impetus for an effective energy transition, which
                DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION                        CPIs should cover as broad a range of economic activities as   will have significant implications for decarbonisation within
                                                                 possible, ensuring consistent signaling across all activities,   the buildings sector. The International Energy Agency, for
                                                                 industries, and sectors. This is particularly pertinent given   instance, estimates that the operation of buildings accounted
                                                                 the complexity and cross-sectoral nature of contemporary   for almost a third of global energy consumption in 2021 and a
                                                                 supply chains and the economy-wide consequences of   similar share of energy-sector emissions.
                 01           Targeting the right sectors        climate change. Nevertheless, the immediate implementation   More broadly, a stepwise approach to regulating carbon
                                                                 of CPIs within industries where technology-switching remains
                                                                                                                     would entail feasibility assessments of decarbonisation
                                                                 costly, or even infeasible, risks generating costs that can   options across key economic activities and sectors. This can
                                                                 be detrimental to industrial and thus economic growth, in   feed into a well-communicated approach towards expanding
                                                                 exchange for little environmental benefit. Instead, to begin   the scope of CPIs and allow Malaysia to circumvent some
                                                                 with, CPI scope should be limited to activities that generate   of the potentially negative impacts of carbon regulation.
                                                                 high levels of emissions and which can employ cost-effective   This may, for instance, include impacts on the international
                 02           Pricing carbon within the          avenues towards the adoption of low-carbon practices and   competitiveness of export-oriented industries, or on food
                              Goldilocks zone
                                                                                                                     security, particularly where agricultural practices are
                                                                 A good example of an activity ripe for low-carbon disruption   carbon-intensive. Over time, as the lowest-hanging fruit
                                                                 is energy generation, which in Malaysia is typically the result   in the decarbonisation spectrum are captured, as carbon
                                                                 of fossil fuel combustion. The energy sector is responsible   prices rise (see next bullet), and as more countries move
                                                                 for roughly 80% of Malaysia’s annual emissions, with   towards the adoption of CPIs, a greater number of low-carbon
                 03           Pursuing a broad suite of          approximately one-third of the total the result of electricity   technologies will become economically viable, adding further
                                                                 generation alone. This creates significant scope for emissions
                                                                                                                     fuel to efforts to transition successfully to a low-carbon future.
                              low-carbon policies
                                                                 reductions and the past decade has seen tremendous growth
                                                                 in the viability of low-carbon energy technologies such as   2  Pricing carbon within the Goldilocks zone
                                                                 solar, wind, and biofuels from both technical and economic
                                                                 standpoints, as well as energy efficiency (EE) enhancements.   The pricing of carbon should be rooted in science. The
                                                                 The signal of a strong carbon price can further speed up   social cost of carbon (SCC), a science-based measurement
                              Introducing transparency
                 04           and accountability to carbon       the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy (RE)   of the costs of each tonne of carbon-dioxide, is often touted
                                                                 and greater EE. Indeed, the levelised costs of electricity for
                                                                                                                     by economists and scientists as the optimal carbon price.
                              pricing                            biomass and those observed during Malaysia’s third large-  One of the latest and more comprehensive estimates of the
                                                                 scale solar auction (LSS 3) reach parity with that of coal   SCC, published in the journal Nature, suggests an average
                                                                 under a carbon price of just RM26 per tonne. Levelised costs   of roughly USD 185/tonne of carbon-dioxide, while the
                                                                 for small hydro, biogas, and those observed during LSS 4 are   Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition cites a figure of between

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