Page 158 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 158

USD40–80/tonne to be consistent with the temperature goals   the absence of corrective mechanisms such as carbon border   Investment is also needed into infrastructure by enhancing
       of the Paris Agreement. In practice, however, economic and   adjustment taxes.                          Malaysia’s electricity grid and energy storage capacity, as
       political constraints tend to hinder the adoption of a high SCC                                         well as public transport networks. A holistic approach to
       as the carbon price. This is especially a pertinent issue for   3  Pursuing a broad suite of low-carbon policies  climate policy will allow Malaysia to increasingly adopt
       developing, carbon-intensive economies, where the imposition                                            ambitious targets and set the nation towards being a regional
       of stringent carbon costs, or emissions caps, in the absence   Carbon pricing is not a silver bullet. It has the potential,   climate leader.
       of economically feasible, low-carbon technologies can   depending on the price and scope of carbon regulation, to   On the side of conservation, carbon is not the only
       have negative repercussions on industrial growth that may   correct for the emissions (and sequestration) market failure,   environmental variable counteracting pressures to exploit
       outweigh the monetary value of any environmental benefits.                                              natural capital. Malaysia should enhance its efforts to
       By the same token, a carbon price that is too low may be                                                implement ecological fiscal transfers and payments for
       ineffective in driving the achievement of climate targets.                                              ecosystem services, as well as its forest conservation,

       A solution to the pricing dilemma can involve feasibility                                               management and rehabilitation initiatives. This will ensure
       assessments of a variety of carbon pricing points (under                “                               incentives in favor of a broad set of environmental goods not
       a carbon tax) or emissions reduction pathways (under                                                    measured solely in terms of GHG impacts. CPIs can inform
       a cap-and-trade scheme) that assess the economic and         The energy sector is                       the value of sequestration, but cannot factor in the benefits of
       environmental impacts of a range of carbon prices. Prices                                               improved access to and quality of water, the conservation of
       could thus be tailored to provide sufficient incentives to   responsible for roughly                    biodiversity, flood mitigation, erosion prevention efforts, and
       ensure the meeting of emissions reductions targets, such as   80% of Malaysia’s annual                  other beneficial environmental actions. A suite of region-
       the NDC to reduce the emissions intensity of GDP by 45% by                                              specific, impact-based approaches and policy instruments
       2030 or aim to achieve net-zero by 2050. Such an approach   emissions – one-third of                    can address the various externalities causing the undersupply
       could establish a balanced ‘introductory’ carbon price for                                              of environmental ‘goods’ and oversupply of environmental
       Malaysia, one that is best suited to support the nation’s   the total is from electricity               ‘bads’.
       existing climate ambitions.                                        generation.

       Over time, however, Malaysia should develop a clear roadmap                                              4  Introducing transparency and accountability to carbon
       for the ratcheting up of both its climate targets, as well as                                               pricing
       carbon prices, as is the case in Singapore, Canada, and many                                            One of the main political constraints facing carbon-pricing
       other nations. Addressing climate change will necessitate   and can incentivise the shift away from using fossil fuels   adoption is the unpopularity of taxes. Indeed, carbon and
       more ambitious climate policies over time as the effects   and other unsustainable practices, across a wide range of   fuel taxes have been mooted or implemented only to have
       of climate change intensify. Furthermore, in the long-term,   sectors – including the buildings sector. But successfully   later been abandoned in part due to such tax resistance,
       economic theory suggests that there should optimally   meeting longer-term climate ambitions, including net-zero   as evident through the repeal of a two-year-old carbon tax
       be a global convergence of carbon prices, failing which   and other climate targets, will necessitate a continued focus   in Australia, and protests against fuel price hikes across
       economic activity – and thus emissions – can simply shift   on programmes which incentivise low-carbon technology   a number of countries, including Chile and France, over
       to jurisdictions with less stringent (or no) carbon regulation.   investment and deployment. This includes existing   recent years. A study by researchers at Universiti Sains Islam
       Such ‘carbon leakage’ nullifies the collective efforts of nations   programmes such as the feed-in tariff, net metering, EE   Malaysia find that trust is a significant factor determining
       to decarbonise given the global nature of the atmosphere, in   incentives, and a host of low-carbon financial instruments.   public support for environmental taxes, supporting broader

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