Page 152 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 152

Pumps and fans are a significant composition of air-  Integrate services to improve efficiency          Many low-rise buildings and governmental low-rise buildings
       conditioning units, essential in buildings. Therefore, a 50%                                            such as Klinik Kesihatan, Fire Brigade station, Police stations,
                                                           A Zero Carbon future is an opportunity to completely overhaul
       reduction in cooling load will easily lead to a 70-80% reduction                                        Post Offices, etc. can be made Zero Carbon immediately by
                                                           and integrate services to improve efficiency in totality. For
       in air-conditioning power consumption if the system is                                                  improving the building’s passive and active design, and its
                                                           instance, organic waste in landfills can be converted into
       retrofitted correctly.                                                                                  cooling system. Demo projects are tangible examples of
                                                           biogas and fertilizer, and the harvested biogas can power a
                                                                                                               savings, both capital and operating cost by implementing ZCB.
                                                           tri-generation plant, generating electricity, chilled water, and
       When the fundamental science and engineering is done right,                                             Moreover, the skills acquired by implementing these projects
                                                           hot water. The fertilizer can be sold to the agriculture sector,
       energy reduction initiatives do not even require advanced                                               will generate the necessary experience for financial institutions,
                                                           while the CO  emissions from the plant can be redirected to
       cooling technology, and provides double digit ROIs. Overall, EE   2                                     consultants, suppliers, and contractors to offer these services
                                                           enhance growth in greenhouses or algae farms. This approach
       reduces carbon emission by 50% to 80%, RE reduces carbon                                                to all buildings in Malaysia, creating a natural ecosystem to
                                                           maximises efficiency.
       emission by 10% to 50%, with only high-rise and buildings with                                          sustain ZCB implementation.
       extended operating hours requiring carbon offsets.
                                                                                                               Better tax incentives
       In summary, to achieve ZCB, Energy Efficiency is always the
                                                                                                               The existing tax incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy
       first route to be explored, followed by Renewable Energy and                                            Efficiency are encouraging but a wider tax capture would
       only turning to Carbon Offset as the last mile connection to   To achieve ZCB, EE is always the first route,   benefit the industry and motivate participation. Passive
       reach zero. Such ZCB will improve our efficiency, productivity,   followed by RE and only turning to Carbon   measures such as insulation, sun-shading devices, glazing
       and reduce the future cost of carbon offset.              Offset as the last mile to reach zero.        properties enhancement and airtightness improvements

       Driving the zero carbon aspiration                                                                      should be given incentives as well. This will further encourage
                                                                                                               building owners to implement passive measures as part of
       With the right thrust – from the government and private   Funding mechanism to spur ZCBs
                                                                                                               their ZCB strategy, This is important because it will drive down
       sectors, Malaysia has all the fundamentals to accelerate its   Another potential task of this Think-Tank is the development   the cost of air-conditioning system replacement, enhancing
       zero-carbon aspiration and pioneer the export of zero carbon   of a funding mechanism for ZCBs. The lucrative ROIs are likely   efficiency.
       goods and services at a lower price, capitalising on increased   to drive interest among the private investors, while a green
       efficiency.                                         bond can also be issued by financial institutions to further spur   Implement carbon tax instead of energy audits

       Initiating investments in ZCB is a key driving force that will not   the industry. Building owners would then be able to tap into   Instead of energy audits to enforce compliance, a better
       only spur employment, but hasten economic and business   funding opportunities for ZCB implementation, to help generate   approach is to implement a progressive carbon tax in Malaysia.
       growth through advancement in technology, encourage rental   higher revenues from energy efficiency, renewable energy,   This way, the major emitters pay more to cover for low emitters
       premiums, attract MNCs and raise income levels.     and scale the advantage of offering zero carbon products and   who are typically in the B40 category - generally more
                                                           services to the world                               vulnerable to carbon emission effects and in a disadvantaged
       A multi-pronged approach is required to organise the nation
                                                                                                               position to implement mitigation measures. The tax collection
       towards a zero-carbon goal, but the first step is to set up   Develop demo projects
       a National Zero Carbon Think-Tank, gathering the nation’s                                               can then be used to drive zero carbon uptake nationwide,
                                                           To foster ownership and mobilise the ZCB movement,
       leading experts and technocrats.                                                                        through a mechanism that funds everyone fairly.
                                                           implementing demonstration or model projects are beneficial.

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