Page 160 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 160

       The Government’s Role

       Green building policies in Malaysia effectively commenced   LCCF was developed to get cities, which are responsible for up   Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA), in
       in 2009 with the launching of the National Green Technology   to 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, to address the problem   cooperation with JASE-W Japan has developed the Zero Energy
       Policy (NGTP) and in 2016, the government launched MyCREST   and take concrete action on it.            Building Development Guide to promote the adoption of super
       (Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability                                            low carbon green buildings by using alternative methods
       Tool), a sustainability rating tool introduced by the Ministry                                          focusing purely on sustainable energy practices, such as
       of Works through the Public Works Department and the                    “                               advance energy efficiency measures and offsetting the balance
       Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). MyCREST’s                                               of minimum energy needed by using on-site renewable energy.
       key intention is to quantify and lower the carbon footprint of   Malaysia’s commitment to
       construction projects, by guiding the design, construction and   reducing carbon emissions              National carbon movement
       operation of buildings in a low-carbon and sustainable manner.                                          In its quest to join the world to achieve net zero carbon
                                                               started in 2006. Since then,
       To lead the way, in 2016 the government mandated all                                                    emissions by 2050, Malaysia must first address two key
       government building projects worth RM50 million and above   a number of policies and                    segments responsible for 75% of the nation’s GHG emission –
       to adopt the MyCREST compliance, in a bid to reduce carbon                                              energy and transport sector.
       emissions in the construction industry. These approaches   strategic plans have slowly                  In 2015, the nation joined 175 countries ratifying the Paris
       show government efforts to lead by example in its commitment                                            Agreement to limit global mean temperature rise to below
       towards reducing GHG emissions as a whole.          redirected the country toward
                                                                                                               2°C, and, ideally, below 1.5°C and Malaysia committed to
                                                           a less carbon-intensive future.                     reduce its CO  emissions per unit of GDP by 45% from the
       Via the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech                                                          2
       Malaysia), the government is also expending a lot of effort                                             levels in 2005 by 2030. It also committed to achieve 31% of
       in promoting the Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF),   GreenTech Malaysia looks at five key elements in the   renewable energy (RE) in the country’s power mix by 2025
       launched in 2011. The LCCF is a national framework assessment   framework. The first four are to reduce CO  emissions through   and 40% by 2030. In 2011, the nation managed to achieve a
       system to guide and assess the development of cities and   the energy use and water consumption of buildings and   carbon emissions intensity reduction of 33%.
       to support holistic sustainable development in Malaysia. The   common areas, petrol and diesel of two and four-wheel private   Malaysia’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions started
       framework is primarily used by the local authorities to guide   vehicles, and municipal solid waste ending up in landfills. The   in 2006. Since then, a number of policies and strategic plans
       the transformation of the cities under their jurisdiction into low   fifth element is to increase carbon sequestration from protecting   have slowly redirected the country towards a less carbon-
       carbon cities.                                      and adding green spaces.                            intensive future. These have included the National Biofuel

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