Page 155 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 155

Table 2: Range of embodied carbon indicator for construction materials.  The following strategies have been compiled to aid carbon   efficient structural components, and slabs that maximises
                                                                mitigation initiatives:                               efficiency and minimises material use.
             Embodied carbon
              indicator range   Colour  Description  Colour     • Avoid/minimise high embodied energy materials      • Reduce the reliance on carbon-intensive materials
               (kg CO2e/kg)                         coding        Except when it contributes to lowering operational energy. Eg   Responsible use is crucial for materials with a large carbon

                  0 – 0.5    Dark green  Very low                 locally sourced materials save on transportation energy.  footprint, like aluminium, polymers, and foam insulation. For
                                                                • Reuse materials                                     example, while aluminium may enhance the appearance of the
                 0.5 – 2.0   Light green  Low
                                                                  Try to use salvaged resources in the form of bricks, metal   building, it is vital to use it sparingly given its enormous carbon
                 2.0 – 2.8     Yellow    Medium                   fractured concrete or wood which have a significantly smaller   footprint.
                                                                  embodied carbon footprint than the newly made materials.
                 2.8 – 5.0    Orange      High                                                                       Conclusion
                                                                • Develop a lifelong and persistent structure
                   >5.0         Red     Very high                                                                    Reducing embodied carbon is crucial for meeting the low carbon
                                                                  Low-carbon design features comprise exposed concrete
                                                                  ceilings, aerated blockwork, rotational piles, and voided   construction targets. However, in the Malaysian construction
             Table 3: Range of embodied carbon indicator for building elements.  biaxial slabs, as well as low-carbon substitutes to typical   sector, there is still limited awareness and knowledge about
                                                                  building supplies. This necessitates direct parallels of possible   embodied carbon and how to effectively reduce it.
             Embodied carbon                        Colour
              scales indicator   Colour  Description  coding      measures to choose the optimum carbon-efficient ones.  This research study addresses these gaps by providing a
               (kg CO2e/m2)                                     • Seek materials with a high recyclable composition  comprehensive database of 500 embodied carbon data for

                   ≤ 10      Dark green  Very low                 Select supplies with high-recycled content, such as cement   various construction materials and building elements. Additionally,
                                                                  substitutes which include GGBS (ground granulated blast   the study includes information on material costs, enabling
                 11 - 100    Light green  Low                     furnace slag) or PFA (pulverised fuel ash), and steel with high   stakeholders such as designers, architects, and contractors to

                 101- 250      Yellow    Medium                   recycled content.                                  compare environmental and cost solutions.
                 251-350      Orange      High                  • Reuse existing infrastructures rather than developing   The study also demonstrates how to account for and include
                                                                  new ones
                  >350          Red     Very high                 Compared to new construction, renovation and reuse projects   the embodied carbon of construction materials in assessments,
                                                                  mainly conserve approximately 50% and 75% of the embodied   providing a clear framework for conducting embodied carbon

            The study consists of 500 embodied carbon data whereby 300   carbon emissions. This is notably important if the substructure   assessments.
            records are construction materials with 25 classes of materials   and framework are intact, as it retains the majority of   Through case studies and practical examples, the report illustrates
            used in construction. Additionally, 200 records are building   embodied carbon.                          how this data can be utilised to calculate embodied carbon,
            elements for 13 classes of building elements.       • Imply the usage of low-carbon concrete compositions  enabling informed decision-making regarding material selection.
                                                                  Emissions per tonne may not be outwardly significant, but
            Embodied carbon reduction strategies                  concrete’s mass and prevalence make it the primary generator   Most importantly, several strategies for reducing embodied
            This study delivers guidelines on assessing embodied carbon   of embodied carbon in every project.       carbon are presented. Ultimately, the goal is to raise awareness
            in buildings, aimed at users seeking to undertake the exercise   • Boost structural efficiency to the maximum  on the climate and biodiversity crises and reinforce the urgency
            but lack clarity on how to get started. Recognising embodied   Explore strategies to optimise structural efficiency by applying   for the construction sector to shift towards low-carbon practices.
            carbon should be combined with carbon mitigation strategies   optimal value engineering approaches for wood framing,    For further information kindly email: or
            to accelerate the intiative.                                                                   

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