Page 56 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 56

Better workplace, better worklife, better workforce                                                     elements of varying depths on each floor. Overall, UOB Plaza
                                                                                                               1 KL’s exterior projects an optical illusion of both vertical and
       UOB Plaza 1 KL, designed to be a high performance
                                                                                                               horizontal curvature, in order to enhance its overall dynamic
       workplace also symbolises the transformation that is taking
                                                                                                               visual presence.
       place in UOB Malaysia. Beyond physically shifting the Bank’s
       corporate headquarters, the building represents a catalyst
       that redefined the way its people work, collaborate and                                                 Vertical Gardens
       socialise. With this building, the Bank aims to cultivate a                                             The building incorporates greenery in both its exterior
       workforce that is future-ready and agile in adapting to the                                             surroundings and interiors, spanning from the ground to
       fast-evolving business landscape. Designed with the people’s                                            the top floors. The central idea behind this design is to
       well-being in mind, it embeds the elements of wellness and                                              seamlessly blend the indoors with nature and the outdoors,
       sustainability, while symbolising the Bank’s progressiveness                                            while creating a green space for social interaction and
       and its long-term commitment to Malaysia.                                                               facilitating the circulation of air for ventilation and thermal
       Transforming Octagon
                                                                                                               Two botanically inspired sky gardens – the Green Lounge and
       UOB Plaza 1 KL is a refreshed edition to its predecessor,
                                                                                                               the Sky Lounge located on level 18 and level 29 respectively
       Menara UOB.  The towering architecture also complements
                                                                                                               – provide elaborately landscaped exterior and interior
       the other UOB headquarters in China, Indonesia, Singapore
                                                                                                               spaces for both recreational amenities and formal areas. The
       and Thailand. Its façade gently curves at the edges from
                                                                                                               extensive greenery gives UOB Plaza 1 KL a favourable Green
       ground up thus generating the building’s distinct oval-
                                                                                                               Plot Ratio of 6, which helps mitigate the heat island effect,
       shaped appearance. It is adorned by a sophisticated curtain
                                                                                                               consequently reducing indoor temperatures.
       wall system and accented by horizontally-curved shading

          As the first green bank building earmarked for platinum certification in Malaysia and Singapore, UOB Plaza 1 KL

            represents UOB’s commitment to sustainability. To achieve the GreenRE certification, the Bank has put in

            extensive efforts, from implementing indoor air quality, energy efficiency, composting bins to biophilic

        features and ergonomic setup. The building has helped UOB reduce carbon emission, energy and water wastage,
                       protect the environment while enhancing the bank’s reputation as a leader in sustainability.

                                                                      – CHANG YEONG GUNG  –
                                                                    Chief Financial Officer, UOB Malaysia

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