Page 57 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 57

Lantern in the City                                  Efficient equipment and water management            building also uses regenerative lifts for increased energy
            At night, the fully-glazed building façade emits a gentle   The project team carefully drew on harnessing the natural   efficiency. Water efficient fittings and rainwater harvesting
            glow to provide a lantern-like appearance, which enriches   elements and selecting energy-efficient equipment to reduce   system are used to supply its non-potable water needs and
            Kuala Lumpur’s modern skyline. This expression is achieved   UOB Plaza 1 KL’s carbon footprint. High-efficiency chiller   maximises UOB Plaza 1 KL’s efficient use of resources.
            by creating a light box effect, where light is reflected back   plants and energy-efficient air-conditioning were used to   Nature-friendly materials dominate
            and forth between the surface façade frit pattern and at an   achieve over 30% energy savings each. Additionally, the
            operable textile layer behind the building façade.   lighting system incorporates LEDs and high-frequency ballast   Throughout the structure, the UOB Plaza 1 KL’s architects
                                                                 fluorescent luminaires to lower energy consumptions. The   have carefully incorporated non-toxic materials that are safe

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