Page 52 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 52
The biggest challenge was to identify as many opportunities as
possible to maximise the Tower’s sustainability credentials both
within the building and within the broader site and to then combine
and seamlessly integrate all of the options, as demonstrated in the
targeting of several Green Building Certifications.
OAM Principal Architect, Fender Katsalidis
water needs will be harvested from rainwater, while the A building composed to minimise energy
remaining will be recycled using greywater and used for the
Merdeka 118 features distinctive energy saving features in its
flushing systems.
building design from zoned daylight sensors, tenant sub-
metering to automatic blind control at key corners of the
Innovative construction methods
offices. The use of low-E glass saves on cooling needs while
The overall constructability of the tower was improved by centralised district cooling with on-site chilled water energy
utilising a distinctive high-performance concrete (HPC) that storage is more efficient than conventional cooling systems.
exhibited efficient pumpability. In addition, this HPC facilitated One of its most charming aesthetics is the façade lighting
the creation of additional premium usable space and illuminated by of 8.4km of LED lights. The project team also
significantly reduced the amount of structural steel required, worked in the LEDs externally and internally to further save
lowering both the cost and environmental impact. on energy requirements.
Steward the earth’s resources Enhancing green commuting to reduce Scope 3
To eliminate excessive resource utilisation, more than 30% emissions
of the materials used for the construction of the tower will Enhanced pedestrian connectivity to the multiple strategically
be recycled materials such as concrete, steel and wood, located public transit connections, eases green commute
while 95% of the construction waste will be sent to recycling for Merdeka 118’s occupants while bicycle parking bays
centres where they will be separated and repurposed. and amenities such as lockers and showers for cycling
Waste management throughout the building is handled via a commuters as well as prioritised parking for fuel-efficient or
vacuum based pneumatic waste management system. hybrid vehicles support greener options for transportation.
41 SUSTAINABLE REAL ESTATE | Our 10-Year Journey