Page 51 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 51

Achieving the GreenRE                               Efficient cooling with underfloor AC

                                                                 certification for Merdeka                           The office floor is designed with under floor air-conditioning
                                                                                                                     systems to boost indoor air quality, energy efficiency and
                                                                 118 tower will definitely add                       personal comfort control. This system improves air circulation
                                                                                                                     and lowers energy usage.
                                                                 value to our tenants’ specific

                                                                 businesses by supporting and                        Harvesting solar energy
                                                                                                                     Tapping into the sun’s energy, Merdeka 118 will utilise
                                                                 contributing to their respective                    photovoltaic panels to generate renewable energy to reduce

                                                                                                                     power consumption from the grid and supply sufficient hot
                                                                 sustainable development goals,                      water for the hotel’s needs. Renewable energy will generate
                                                                 whilst also creating a thriving                     equivalent to 4.5% of the total building energy consumption.

                                                                 community for our employees,                        Cutting carbon emissions by over 60% every year

                                                                 occupants and visitors.                             In response to energy efficiency initiatives and reduction
            Prioritising liveability of public spaces, Merdeka 118 links a                                           of water consumption, carbon emissions are significantly
            12,000 sq m civic garden with the iconic Stadium Merdeka                                                 lower than conventional building designs. Energy efficiency
            and Stadium Negara, preserving its cultural sanctity                                                     efforts include LED lighting fitted throughout the tower,
            and heritage while activating the space for gathering   With the triple green platinum                   implementation of zoned daylight sensors and extensive
            and community respite. Merdeka 118 is a showcase of   certifications, Merdeka 118                        use of low-E. Water savings are achieved through rainwater
            placemaking at its best, sporting an Experience Centre (Look                                             harvesting and grey water recycling. Hybrid steel/concrete
            at 118), a Child Care Centre and a mosque.           Tower will be the foremost                          floor system used to lighten the structure contributes to lower

            Creating spaces that thrive                          green building in Malaysia and                      embodied carbon.

            The best spaces offer the best air quality, directly impacting   the industry leader in the areas        Practising zero potable water use
            health, well-being, and cognitive function. Merdeka 118                                                  Merdeka 118 pledges 100% rain water harvesting and a
            prioritises natural light and implements measures to control   of sustainability in design,              100% non-potable water use for irrigation. The landscaping
            daylight glare. Additionally, the acoustics are optimised for   architecture, and build.                 irrigation requirements exceed 60,000 litres of water a day,
            relaxation, and temperature control is carefully balanced                                                about the capacity of an average-sized swimming pool.
            to ensure thermal comfort. These strategies contribute to                                                Through the practise of ‘rainwater harvesting’ and ‘greywater
            creating a conducive workplace environment that enhances   – Y.M. TENGKU DATO’ AB. AZIZ TENGKU MAHMUD –  recycling’, zero potable water will be used for the landscaping
                                                                 Chief Executive Officer, PNB Merdeka Ventures Sdn Berhad
            productivity and happiness, while also conserving energy                                                 needs of Merdeka 118 and its adjacent gardens. Water will
            and reducing emissions.                                                                                  also be recycled for use in washrooms. At least 36% of its

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