Page 38 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 38
The Role of GreenRE in Malaysia
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Green Building Certification Training & Development Stakeholder Engagement
As a rating system, we are aligned to WGBC’s Quality Assurance Guide for Green Building Training and Awareness We partner research institutes and
Green Building Rating Tools in terms of green building rating tool development, Programmes are conducted to engage universities in the areas of green buildings
implementation and operations. the public and raise awareness on the and sustainable development through
Better for Business potential of green buildings. We deliver funding and collaborative initiatives. We
GreenRE buildings have a higher value, perform better, and cost less the industry’s best practices and the latest also work with the government, agencies
to operate than non-GreenRE buildings. GreenRE certification is fully development to practitioners. and the private sector to advance the
recognised by all relevant ministries and local authorities and GreenRE greenbuilt environment and develop a
Certified building owners are eligible for tax incentives by IRDA and robust ecosystem to further the agenda of
investment tax allowances (ITA) under MIDA. zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Better for People
GreenRE-certified buildings focus on occupant well-being, offering a
healthier indoor space.
Better for the Environment
GreenRE buildings use less energy and water, fewer resources, create
less waste and utilise recycled materials.
With every award, certification and green initiative, we nurture the limitless possibilities of a green built environment that
inspires human connection.
27 SUSTAINABLE REAL ESTATE | Our 10-Year Journey