Page 42 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 42

Stakeholder Engagement


       GreenRE promotes and drives sustainability in the development and construction sector. It aims to grow the number of high-performance buildings
       in the nation and inspire a green lifestyle among the rakyat. Cognisant of the need to bring together the industry’s stakeholders and work cohesively
       towards this shared goal, GreenRE has forged ties with numerous industry stakeholders, broadening its reach to activate the adoption of green
       initiatives in the real estate space and to advance greentech through R&D activities.

          Federal Government

                                                              Financial Institutions
          Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Centre
                       As a key representative of the property   The introduction of Bank Negara Malaysia’s Climate Change and
                       development sector in the government’s   Principle-based Taxonomy (CCPT) serves as a guide for financial
                       race to green the nation, GreenRE works   institutions in assessing climate risks and enhances their ability
                       closely with MGTC to equip Local       to reduce or mitigate such risks. The financial institutions seek the   Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
          Authorities with the relevant skillset to make the shift towards   objective assessment of third party assessors such as GreenRE
          low carbon cities by referencing the Low Carbon Cities   to provide a certification that serves as an assurance of a green   In a move to accelerate the green certification of Malaysia’s
          Framework (LCCF).                                   building’s resilience to climate risks and its ability to reduce
                                                              carbon footprints.                                  built environment, GreenRE in collaboration with Construction
          MyHijau                                             Recognising its central role as a green certification body, GreenRE   Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM), CIDB’s research arm,
                                                                                                                  formulated a Joint Certification Framework to provide green
                       Commencing 2021, GreenRE has acquired   is working closely with several banks to assist developers to fulfil   certification for the entire lifecycle of a building, from design and
                       the services of MyHijau, the government-  the CCPT requirements for green financing. This cooperation will   construction to operations, maintenance and end-of-life.
                       endorsed green products and services   not only catalyse the financial flows to sustainable real estate
                       certification body as its verification partner   priorities but create opportunities for a profit-for-purpose journey   Under the agreement, GreenRE will serve as the lead certifier
                       for its GreenRE Rating Tools.          that will activate the real estate stakeholders’ capabilities in the   for private sector projects, utilising the GreenRE NRB v4.0
                                                              ecosystem towards zero carbon intiatives.           rating tool, while MyCREST will act as the lead certifier for
          Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)                                                        government sector projects, using their MyCREST v2.0 Design
                                                              Through the partnership, the respective banks will also encourage   and Construction rating tool.
                       GreenRE works closely with MIDA to     their panel of building owners and developers to adopt
                       assist its Green Building Certification   sustainability principles as prescribed by GreenRE for any of   Initially, the joint certification will be applicable to new non-
                       applicants to apply for the green tax   their new and existing buildings, while the banks will extend their   residential building projects, including retail spaces, shopping
          incentives offered by the government through MIDA. It provides   products and/or exclusive privileges to GreenRE’s customers.  centres, hotels, office buildings, and commercial buildings. The
          consultation and guidance to adhere to the eligibility criteria                                         certification for other categories such as existing non-residential
          and requirement. This applies to the Green Investment Tax   In mobilising this initiative, GreenRE has inked Memoranda of   buildings, residential buildings, industrial buildings, and
          Allowance (GITA) and Green Income Tax Exemption (GITE).   Understanding with several banks.             healthcare facilities will be developed in subsequent stages.
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