Page 43 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
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Universities & Research Institutions

                                                                                                                   GreenRE upholds a non profit-oriented guiding credo. Much
                                                                                                                   of its proceeds are reinvested into R&D activities to grow new
                                                               International Advocacy
                                                                                                                   technologies and strategies to drive high-performance buildings
                                                                                                                   and township. To date RM80,000 worth of research grants have
                                                                MOU between GreenRE, REHDA, REDAS & SGBC           been disbursed to 5 universities. GreenRE fully intends to scale the
                                                                The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between GreenRE,   pipeline with more grants put forward to the academia fraternity.
                                                                Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia
                                                                (REHDA), Real Estate Developers’ Association of Singapore
                                                                (REDAS), and the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC)   University Tunku Abdul Rahman: 2 Grants
                                                                was officially signed during the International Built Environment     • Benchmarking of non-residential
                                                                Week (IBEW) 2022. The signing ceremony, witnessed by                  buildings EEI performance
                                                                Singapore’s Minister for National Development, Mr. Desmond           • Effectiveness of GreenRE restaurant
                                                                Lee, and CEO of the Singapore Building and Construction               toolkit
                                                                Authority (BCA), Mr. Kelvin Wong, took place during the SGBC
            Industry Engagement                                 Pavilion in Sands & Expo Convention Centre, Singapore, in   Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: 2 Grants
                                                                September 2022.
                                                                                                                                     • Computational BIM-based automated
            Climate Governance Malaysia (CGM) and the CEO Action   The MOU will strengthen collaboration among the organisations,     green building evaluation system
            Network (CAN) formed an alliance to drive impactful   poised to forge strategic aspects of information exchange, joint   • Review of application of OTTV and
            conversations among the industry’s stakeholders in a Whole   learning initiatives, R&D activities and to mobilise business   RETV calculation
            of Government, All of Society approach. Central to activating   collaboration between Singapore and Malaysia. This partnership
            sustainable development in the real estate sector, GreenRE   also provides an avenue for products certified by the Singapore
            was instrumental in organising a series of roundtables with   Green Building Product (SGBP) certification scheme with   Xiamen University and Universiti Teknologi MARA
            the aim of engaging relevant stakeholders to provide policy   GreenRE building certification to be promoted for Malaysian   • Life Cycle Assessment of embodied
            recommendations for the Malaysian government.       developments.
                                                                                                                                      and operational carbon in high-rise
            Since 2021, seven Property & Construction roundtables have   Strategic Partner for the Cambodia Green Building Council    office buildings
            been organised to underpin the need for a clear, long-term   (CamGBC)
            national roadmap towards lowering GHG emissions – 2050   GreenRE expanded its international presence through a Strategic
            and beyond. In tandem, enhanced regulations, improved   Partnership endeavour with the Cambodia Green Building
            governance and targeted incentives were the top three   Council. This partnership seeks to advance the sustainability
            recommendations to rapidly drive the private sector towards   agenda in Cambodia by leveraging GreenRE’s certification tool.   Universiti Malaya
            lowering their GHG emissions. GreenRE will continue to forge   Through this collaboration, efforts will be made to promote and
            ahead, to drive sustainable property development through its   implement green building practices in Cambodia, contributing to   • Energy benchmarking for residential
            engagement with the government and private sectors.  the country’s overall sustainability goals.                          homes
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