Page 40 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 40

Training & Awareness Programmes

                                             Leading business transformation
                                             To advance the movement for green buildings, GreenRE is taking on the   GREENRE PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED
                                             responsibility to create awareness and certify industry practitioners with the      2013–2023
                                             knowledge and competencies to implement green initiatives.

                                             Through purpose-driven programmes, GreenRE participants get a 3600 view   30                    GreenRE Accredited
                                                                                                                                             Professional’s Course
                                             of the steps and procedures involved when they choose to implement green
                                                                                                                                             GreenRE Technical
                                             initiatives in buildings. Commencing with its first programme in March 2014 -                   Seminars
                                             GreenRE Manager’s Course (GREMC), now known as the GreenRE Accredited                           Green Build
                                             Professional’s Course (GreenREAPC), GreenRE has conducted 50 programmes                         Conference
                                             including conferences, technical seminars, refresher courses and evening                        GreenRE Refresher
                                             talks, reaching out to 1,537 participants comprising industry practitioners,        11
                                             academicians, students, green consultants and those involved in green
                                             building certification.                                                                                    7
                                             GreenRE educates
                                             GreenRE’s flagship programme, GreenREAPC is designed to stimulate the
                                             adoption of green buildings by creating a pool of skilled and knowledge-
                                             driven experts in the field of green building certification and develop a          No. of Programmes
                                             thorough understanding of the GreenRE Tools.
                                             GreenRE also conducts technical seminars known as the GreenRE Technical
                                             Series (GRETS), thematically designed to tackle specific information such as
                                             Efficient Central Air-Conditioning Design and Green Data Centre.            50 programmes

                                             In 2017, GreenRE introduced the GreenRE Refresher Course, which provides
                                             updates on the latest version of the GreenRE tools and addresses the Do’s
                                             and Don’ts of GreenRE project submissions. Additionally, GreenRE began to
                                             conduct GreenRE Evening Talks, short sessions on general green building   1,537 participants
                                             topics, comprising industry experts.

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