Page 80 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 80

Creating better buildings for the planet            west flanks, which are more vulnerable to solar heat exposure.
                                                           This dual-skin feature prevents heat from entering the building
       For their new headquarters, the Real Estate and Housing
                                                           while facilitating natural ventilation and admitting natural
       Developers’ Association Malaysia (REHDA), as the industry’s
                                                           daylight to illuminate indoor spaces. The high thermal inertia
       stalwarts wanted a design that would strongly express their
                                                           preserves optimal temperature and keeps the interior of the
       push for the future, while honouring their past. They wanted
                                                           building cool, minimising air-conditioning requirements. During
       to create a building that would work better for the planet
                                                           the construction phase, the project team ensured an Overall
       as well as the people working inside it. They were keen to
                                                           Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) of 47.98 watts per square meter.
       represent their commitment to better the carbon-intensive
       built environment and exemplify sustainable buildings. To
       meet these aspirations, the architect worked in sustainable   Powered by nature
       features to communicate the association’s passion to create   Wisma REHDA was designed to emphasise energy efficiency,
       buildings that harmonise with nature and leverage natural   conservation, and renewable energy sources. As a hub
       elements to function symbiotically. Passive designs were   for sustainability, the building has an array of photovoltaic
       built in from the start, from building orientation to ventilation,   panels that generate a significant amount of renewable
       to leverage nature and its elements in a bid to stay energy   energy, powering its in-house electricity needs. The building
       efficient and low carbon. Completed in 2011, the new REHDA   exclusively employs energy-saving light bulbs throughout its
       Headquarters embodies a green vision ahead of its time   premises, further enhancing energy efficiency.
       housing a multi-purpose hall, training rooms, offices, resource   The project team also included a rainwater harvesting
       centre, boardroom and a grand atrium.
                                                           system that plays a significant role in water conservation.
                                                           The building is capable of collecting approximately 2 million
       Facing the right direction
                                                           litres of rainwater annually, which is primarily utilised for
       At the onset, the architect was adamant that the building must   landscape irrigation and cleaning purposes within the
       face the right direction so that it aligns with the prevailing wind.   development. The harvested rainwater is also used for the
       Designed to capture the prevailing wind coming from the north   fishponds and lavatories.
       and south, the three-storey development provides 29,000 sq ft
       of built-up natural ventilation, offering cooling comfort to staff
       and visitors while minimising the need for artificial cooling

       High thermal inertia
       Featuring a double-skin façade, the building incorporates
       block walls as an additional layer to its envelope, effectively
       blocking out heat. This is especially important for the east and

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