Page 75 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 75

Saving the greens                                       We wanted a comfortable and safe  work place for our team to call

            One of the standout features at Encomas House is the     home with a huge pantry to indulge in and a green place to relax.
            landscaped riverfront at the back, covered with cow grass
            for easy maintenance. The seamless integration of the new   Finally, our dream has been realised.  We are very proud to have
            building into the surrounding environment is conceived as
            part of the scheme to preserve the greenery – achieving a   Encomas House certified by GreenRE and with the highest rating
            greenery provision of 0.55 contributing to moderating the                                 in its category.
            heat island affect. Adding to the green-themed outdoors, a
            jasmine tree further accentuates the natural elements of the                        – DATUK RICK CHENG WOOI SEONG –
            concrete staircase, while the existing decades-old trees – the
                                                                                                      Founder, Group Managing Director
            Pokok Hujan, Pokok Pucuk Putat, Pokok Asam and Pokok
            Chempedak have been fondly remembered and retaining
            walls built around them as protection against floodwaters.   Built to save                               Tapping natural water sources
            The river’s water is sourced for the landscape’s irrigation   Although they look like regular structures, green buildings are   Apart from harvesting water from the river, Encomas House
            needs, while coffee waste from Encomas’s award winning   designed to have less negative impact on the environment,   aspires to save on potable water consumption using Water
            coffee place, Caffe Diem is transformed into natural fertilizer.   be healthier, boost the productivity of workers within, and   Efficiency Labeling and Standards (WELS) fittings, including
                                                                 have lower overhead costs. They also yield a greater return   dual flush water closets, low flush urinals, and water-efficient
                                                                 on investment. Encomas House is no different.       sink/basin taps that achieve 100% efficiency.
                                                                 This 1 ½ storey building is designed to be highly energy-  Low CUI building
                                                                 efficient, with an expected energy consumption of up to 30%
                                                                 less than a comparable conventional office building.   Encomas House did away with the extensive use of concrete,
                                                                                                                     instead adapting the natural raw architecture look of the clay
                                                                 The use of energy-efficient LED and fluorescent lighting,
                                                                                                                     bricks. At least 70% of the clay bricks used to conceive the
                                                                 gives 56.75% improvement in energy efficiency compared
                                                                                                                     structure were rejected, burnt bricks from a brick factory in
                                                                 to the MS 1525:2007 baseline standard. The interior of the
                                                                                                                     Gurun, Kedah. Not only were the otherwise wasted bricks
                                                                 building prioritises comfort over luxury, utilising 5-star
                                                                                                                     salvaged, its darker tones added a natural, earthy character to
                                                                 energy-efficient appliances such as ceiling, wall, and stand
                                                                                                                     the building, and reinforced its structure as these burnt bricks
                                                                 fans, air conditioning, refrigerator, and television. The unitary
                                                                                                                     were stronger.
                                                                 air-conditioners in the building provide 28.6% more energy
                                                                 savings than the MS1525:2007 baseline standard. In addition,
                                                                 the building is fitted with motion-controlled washroom lights
                                                                 and photocell sensors that automatically turn off when extra
                                                                 light is unnecessary, thereby saving energy.

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