Page 141 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 141
while another response said “Its the best place I’ve worked at...
The greenery around the factory is simply amazing... It give us a
peaceful feeling...”
While the above statements are anecdotal, they are also quite
representative of the 141 anonymous free text responses. When
grouping together the answers, the top three reasons cited for
liking the building were:
• 34.4% Contact with Nature
• 33.5% Beautiful Architecture
• 15.8% Conducive Work Environment
Interestingly, most green building certification schemes do
not directly address all three of the aspects mentioned above.
The aesthetic or beauty aspect especially, is currently not
covered by any of the Malaysian green building rating tools.
However, building occupants highly value the appreciation
of beautiful architecture. While many green certification tools
award points for incorporating vegetation, the “Contact with
Nature” aspect is often overlooked. In some cases, building
occupants have limited access to green roofs, resulting in
a restricted connection with nature that is limited to visual
The salient green building designs of the Paramit factory its objective by achieving a 40% measured energy savings appreciation, lacking the sensory experience that comes from
included glare-free daylit interior and views out from all spaces, compared to Paramit’s former Penang factory. The factory touching natural elements or being in its midst. The survey
ample access to lush greenery/forest from the canteen and transformed work environment, creating more satisfied and clearly demonstrates the need to emphasise the importance
green roofs fully shaded in the afternoon from overarching appreciative staff. An anonymous survey run, returned results of engaging all five senses in addressing the aspect of
canopy louvers. The green features also included efficient indicating 90% preferred the new factory to the old one. The “Contact with Nature.” It is evident that being immersed in a
daylight responsive dimmable LED lighting, innovative and survey asked the occupants to write what they liked about forest environment, such as at Paramit, holds a higher rank in
energy efficient floor slab cooling system, energy recovery from the building. One staff described the factory in the forest as comparison to merely having a view through a window of a
DOAS air supply system and a celebration of the tropical rain a place that gives him/her a feeling of “balance and serenity” grass-turfed roof.
emulated by roof spouts splashing the rain onto a pebble bed that “reduces stress” and makes the workplace feel like a “2nd
trench before sending it to the rainwater harvesting system. home”. Another staff expressed his/her appreciation of the The survey results raise another important question: How do
In terms of energy efficiency, the Paramit factory obtained building having “immersive views of nature and natural light,” we best evaluate the human experience of the building? And
SUSTAINABLE REAL ESTATE | Our 10-Year Journey 130