Page 140 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 140
Paramit: Factory in the Forest
By: Gregers Reimann
“I want a cheap building!” This was the first message conveyed Asked if he wanted to target any formal green building
by the client, Mr. Billoo Rataul, at our first meeting back in 2014. certification, Billoo immediately said “No!” He was only “
But the distinction in his definition of ‘cheap’ compared to the interested in getting a high-performance building and did not The Paramit factory was
typical building client who is usually keen to keep construction care for any formal green building certification. Although it
costs low, quickly became clear. As the company founder and did not have any green building certification, the completed designed with energy
owner, Billoo took the long-term perspective, because he knew Paramit building, went on to win several prestigious national
that he had to pay the energy bills. So, his definition of a “cheap” and international green building awards several years later. It efficiency and high building
building meant that the lifecycle cost of the building had to goes to show, that doing the right thing and building beyond performance as driving
be low. Moreover, Billoo was keen to get a high-performance certification, can still result in green building recognition.
building in terms of occupant comfort and health. He principles in an integrated
specifically mentioned that he wanted a factory building with The Paramit factory was designed with energy efficiency
good air-quality, daylit and windows with views to the outside. and high building performance as driving principles in an design process.
Billoo had an intrinsic understanding that creating a conducive integrated design process. Interestingly, the first consultant
work environment for the staff was the right thing to do – and hired for the project was an energy efficiency consultant, who
also good for business. in turn recommended three architects to invite for the design
competition, the winning architect being Design Unit Architects.
Photo credit: Lin Ho Photo credit: Lin Ho
129 SUSTAINABLE REAL ESTATE | Our 10-Year Journey