Page 135 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 135

London’s most visited attraction

            For close to four decades, Battersea Power Station stood
            derelict, crumbling on the banks of the River Thames
            following its closure in 1983. At its peak, the Grade II* listed
            Power Station supplied a fifth of London’s electricity. However,
            work on the London landmark began in 2012 and after eight
            years of restoration, its doors opened to the public for the first
            time in October 2022 as an exciting new retail, leisure and
            cultural destination.

            The redevelopment of Battersea Power Station was driven
            by a commitment to preserve the site’s heritage and cultural
            value and to breathe new life into the iconic structure
            while paying homage to its industrial past. The project
            sought to strike a balance between maintaining the Power                                                                            Photo source: Brendan Bell
            Station’s original features and incorporating contemporary
            elements. Envisioned as a catalyst for the regeneration of the
            surrounding area, it presented an opportunity to revitalise   The architects have painstakingly restored the building   ensuring the voices and aspirations of the community are
            a formerly neglected part of London and create a thriving
                                                                 to bring it back to its former glory, paying homage to its   heard and valued. The result is a vibrant and tightly-knit
            neighbourhood that would generate economic growth and
                                                                 industrial past. The landmark chimneys, deemed structurally   neighbourhood, that will thrive sustainably into the future.
            employment opportunities.
                                                                 unsafe were carefully reconstructed to the original   The commitment to the community is further demonstrated
            Sustainability and Innovation                        specifications using the same methods used back in the   through substantial donations exceeding £6 million to local
                                                                 1930s and 1950s. The north-west chimney is now home to   charities and causes.
            The Battersea Power Station site spans over 42 acres and
            once complete, will offer a diverse range of amenities   Lift 109, a unique glass elevator experience, which transports   Some of the activities initiated include the Battersea Academy
            including 3.5 million sq ft of mixed commercial space,   visitors 109m to the top of the chimney offering spectacular   for Skills & Employment (BASE), the BPS Community Choir,
            approximately 4,200 newly constructed homes and 19 acres   views of the London skyline.                  and the Power to Connect (PtC) programme, to actively
            of public realm. At the heart of this location is the Power                                              support local businesses, community organisations, and
            Station building itself, with its meticulously restored Turbine   Emphasising the ‘S’ in ESG             families. BASE is a recruitment service provider working in
            Halls. Turbine Hall A boasts Art Deco elegance, reminiscent of   The Battersea Power Station is dedicated to fostering a   partnership with businesses at the Power Station to match
            the 1930s when the Power Station initially took shape, while   diverse and inclusive neighbourhood for living, learning,   local people with suitable jobs, while the BPS Community
            Turbine Hall B, completed during the 1950s, showcases a   working and leisure. For more than 15 years, the Communities   Choir with over 100 members offers an opportunity for
            blend of post-war architecture and industrial-chic aesthetics.   team has championed the needs of the local residents,   members from across the local area to come together as

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