Page 116 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 116
We are honoured to receive
the highest accreditation from
GreenRE. The accomplishment
represents a future model for
service stations that can be
expanded throughout the Caltex
network, as we look at solutions
to operate with improved
efficiencies in energy and water
Country Chairman of Chevron Malaysia Limited (2022)
Transforming service stations for the future popular stops, the Caltex stations have become a much talked Adapting to the new age consumers
about destination for travellers seeking comfort and quality.
The energy transition is charting a decarbonised path, which In support of the increasing usage of electric vehicles (EVs),
For the owners, Chevron Malaysia Limited, this venture is
will involve the coexistence of various alternative energy Chevron has included the provision of EV charging stations.
more than just an effort to reduce its energy consumption or
sources. The service stations of the future are where different These stations are available in two options: DC, which offers
conserve water. It represents a station model transformed to
alternative energy sources will coexist so drivers will be able 50kW fast charging and supports CCS and CHAdeMO 2.0,
cater to the new sustainable mobility by broadening access
to refuel or recharge, using energy alternatives to reduce and AC, which provides 43kW charging and uses Type 2
to alternative fuel, sharing cost efficiency with its patrons in
emissions in transportation. Steering the transformation of connectors. The charging station is certified by IEC and is
lowering carbon intensity and leveraging renewable energy
service stations in Malaysia, Caltex has brought to the equipped with an app payment system that utilises QR Codes,
as an energy source.
market two first-of-its-kind GreenRE Platinum certified enabling convenient cashless payments. With digitalisation
service stations for North- and South-bound travellers at playing a crucial role in facilitating service improvements at
Ayer Keroh PLUS R&R. After retrofitting these two existing the stations, cashless payment has become more accessible.
105 SUSTAINABLE REAL ESTATE | Our 10-Year Journey