Page 111 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 111

We expect a 40% improvement on energy consumption with the

                                                                           state-of-the-art energy-efficient features in our new office.

                                                                                                        – LAWRENCE YEAP –
                                                                                                              Arup Malaysia

                                                                 Activating functional spaces                        Designing solutions for better IEQ
                                                                 Recognising the dynamics of an office that evolves with   Weaving in biophilic design, the office promotes harmony
                                                                 the perception of work, Arup let the psyche of work drive   with nature by maximising daylight and leveraging indoor
                                                                 the design, incorporating community, engagement, and   plants to improve air quality while creating a pleasing and
                                                                 innovation. This approach creates an Activity-Based   conducive work environment. Common recreation areas
                                                                 Working environment with diverse settings and personalised   such as the Garden Terraces are allocated at least 1% of the
                                                                 spaces that empower employees’ needs. The workplace   office area, while planters and potted plants in the office
                                                                 is designed to accommodate future expansion, capable of   make up about 2.4% of the office area. To manage daylight
                                                                 accommodating more than 400 members. It supports flexible   intensity, glare control systems are implemented. Furniture
                                                                 and interactive spaces, coupled with digital technologies   and fittings choices are largely environmentally friendly
                                                                 and tools, to encourage the exchange of ideas and the   while acoustically treated rooms, height adjustable desks
                                                                 development of integrated solutions. Clients and Arup’s   and ergonomic chairs promote health and comfort for
                                                                 colleagues in Penang and around the world will benefit from   better productivity. Workplace happiness is recognised in
                                                                 the strong connections, ideas, and efficiencies.    the creation of personal spaces like recreational area and
                                                                                                                     mothers’ rooms and wellness rooms.

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