Page 28 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 28

10 Year Journey


       The Beginning                                       REHDA’s National Council then supported and sponsored   staying true to our commitment to sustainability and social
                                                           GreenRE, which subscribed to a not-for-profit model   responsibility, GreenRE is embracing new technology and
       GreenRE grew from a dream to make green strategies
                                                           offering affordable green rating tools. GreenRE operated in   exploring new markets. In 2019, we were awarded the ISO
       attainable for even the smallest development.
                                                           a refreshing space where the underrepresented could thrive   9001 Quality Management System that assures the quality
       Green Real Estate’s (GreenRE) journey began in 2013, even   and afford to embrace green features and as well as receive a   standards of our Green Building Certification and Training.
       before the conceptualisation of United Nation’s Sustainable   certification for their efforts.          GreenRE is currently the only ISO-certified green certification
       Development Goals (UNSDG), emerging in response to the                                                  body in Malaysia.
       government’s realisation of the looming threat of climate   Leading the charge
       change.                                                                                                 GreenRE recently embarked on a joint certification
                                                           10 years on, GreenRE has evolved to lead the charge in the   arrangement with Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
       Prior to the inception of GreenRE, many developers, eager   mission to green Malaysia’s built environment. With rating   (CREAM) under the Construction Industry Development
       to subscribe to the emerging green trends in the built   tools accepted and revered by the industry, GreenRE ensures   Board (CIDB) to launch a joint certification framework for
       environment were taken aback by the high cost of the rating   building design and functionality comply with the 6 pillars   their rating tools, GreenRE Rating Tools and MyCREST to
       certification. For smaller developers from less advanced states   of sustainability - Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Carbon   green the public sector buildings. GreenRE also intends to
       or those pursuing affordable homes, this was particularly   Emission, Environmental Protection, Indoor Environmental   delve into sub-certification of chiller plants within buildings
       burdensome.                                         Quality and Other Green Features.                   and enhance the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
                                                                                                               certification. GreenRE strives to reduce the operational costs
       At that time, the market was served by a sole rating entity   Today, GreenRE has a portfolio of more than 400 registered
       and the certification process, conducted by professionals   projects in Malaysia, representing over 400 million sq ft of   of buildings to moderate the impact of the industry on the
       with a profit-oriented goal, was expensive, stretching beyond   space. On the international front, GreenRE is involved in the   environment.
       the means of Real Estate & Housing Developers’ Association   certification of several international projects, including the
       (REHDA) Malaysia members. Understanding first-hand the   retail component of the Battersea Power Project in London.  Keeping the environment at the centre of
       key challenge that prevented the developer-members from                                                 everything we do
       maximising the full financial potential of their development,   Culture of Innovation                   GreenRE is built upon the resolve to create buildings that
       REHDA decided a second rating agency was required to   The built environment is evolving at a rapid pace and   harmonise with nature and minimise human impact. All
       serve the industry.
                                                           GreenRE’s trajectory is moving in tandem – as we continue   GreenRE’s actions, activities and strategies are aligned to the
                                                           to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve. While   Net Zero Emission goal and driven by the objectives of the

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