Page 24 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
P. 24

What is Sustainable Building


       The World Green Building Council (WGBC) defines     The Green Certification System                      Buildings account for:
       sustainable building certification - also known as green
                                                           The Green Certification System is built on internationally
       building rating tools - as a tool to assess and recognise                                                    Raw Materials 30%
                                                           recognised best practices and in consensus with all relevant
       buildings which meet certain sustainability requirements or
                                                           stakeholders. The system has been designed to be in
       standards.                                                                                                   Fresh Water Usage 12%
                                                           alignment with widely practiced green guidelines, as follows:
       Building certifications recognise and reward companies                                                       GHG 30%
       and organisations who build and operate greener buildings,
       thereby encouraging and incentivising them to push the                                                       Landfill Waste 45% - 65%
       boundaries on sustainability.                                    Paris Agreement - Legally binding
                                                                        international treaty on climate change      Electricity 71%
       They kick-start the market by setting standards that in turn
       elevate the ambition of government building codes and
       regulation, workforce training, and corporate strategies.                                                    Mercury in Solid Waste 31%

       Green building certification is applied to the entire life cycle
       of the building from the planning and design, construction,
                                                                        UNSDGs – The 17 UNSDGs                 Green Buildings offer:
       operation, maintenance, renovation, and eventual demolition
       phases of a building. Specific tools or subsets of tools used
       for different building types such as homes, commercial                                                       Energy Saving 30%
       buildings, or even whole neighbourhoods.
                                                                                                                    Water Savings 30% - 50%
       Source: World Green Building Council
                                                                        ESG – Corporate environmental               Reduction in Construction Waste 50% - 90%
                                                                        disclosure requirements
                                                                                                                    Reduction in GHG 20% - 35%

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