Page 25 - GreenRE_Sustainable Real Estate Book
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Overview of Green Building
Rating Tools in Malaysia
Green building rating tools are widely used and adopted impact of new buildings or retrofit buildings; or performance GreenRE, GBI, MyGHI, Melaka Green Seal, PHJKR and
by the construction industry, to effectively benchmark based, which capture actual environmental impact or carbon SUSDEX are criteria based rating tools, while CASBEE,
buildings on their environmental sustainability and provide emissions of a development. Green Pass and LCCF are measurement based. GreenRE,
stakeholders with standardised and consistent gauge of MyCREST, GBI, Green Pass and LCCF are implemented on
compliance. The first green building rating tool introduced In Malaysia, 10 sustainable rating tools are utilised in the the national level, while Melaka Green Seal and CASBEE are
was the Building Research Establishment’s Environment industry: implemented at the state level only. MyGHI and PHJKR are
Assessment Method (BREEAM) in 1990, paving the way for considered ‘in-house’ rating tools as they are only employed
many countries to establish their own system, including 1 Green Real Estate (GreenRE) on the government agencies’ own projects; similarly SUSDEX
Malaysia. A common and widely used system globally is the is also considered ‘in-house’ as it is only used in Sime Darby
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 2 Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Property townships. All these tools aim to optimise building
Sustainability Tools (MyCREST)
originating from the US. performance while reducing the associated environmental
3 Comprehensive Assessment System for Built
The green building rating tools vary in their approach and Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) Iskandar impact through the provision of measurement on the
can be applied to the planning and design, construction, building’s environmental effect and a set of standards that
operation and maintenance, renovation and eventual 4 Green Building Index (GBI) allow for the building to be judged objectively. All the rating
demolition phases of a green building. They also differ in Green Performance Assessment System (Green tools are comprehensive in terms of sustainability aspect
the type of buildings to which they are applied, with specific 5 PASS) coverage as they are influenced by or adopted from other
tools or subsets of tools used for different building types international rating tools.
such as homes, commercial buildings and townships. Rating 6 Low Carbon Cities Framework & Assessment
System (LCCF)
tools typically assess a variety of sustainability categories, In advancing the nation’s green built agenda and to help
including energy and water efficiency, Indoor Environmental 7 My Green Highway Index (MyGHI) shift its cities towards a low-carbon future, the government
Quality (IEQ), management practices, environmentally harmful introduced the Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) in 2011,
emissions, resource consumption and waste generation. Each 8 Melaka Green Seal led by the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change
tool has unique benchmarks and assessment criteria though 9 Penarafan Hijau Jabatan Kerja Raya ( PHJKR) Corporation (MGTC). The LCCF looks at addressing carbon
the objectives are similar. Tools are generally design based emissions in four main areas: Urban Environment, Urban
or criteria based, which assess the potential environmental 10 Sustainability Index (SUSDEX) Infrastructure, Urban Transportation and Buildings.
SUSTAINABLE REAL ESTATE | Our 10-Year Journey 14